Sunday, July 09, 2006

Round Two!

Round Two:

We've started the second round of insemination this weekend. We were old pros this time around. On Saturday morning, we waltzed in and Lisa signed in for blood -- I went straight to the ultra-sound board...and waited patiently in the waiting room. All was good -- but our doctor is having problems with her custom built home. Apparently her fireplace in the livingroom looks like a dog house. We suggested she get a dog and call it a day. She also asked if we were ready to try fertility drugs -- fertility drugs after one try! Gee! I say give the egg and the sperm at least another chance before inviting in strangers. But alas...we'll just do it the old fashion way -- you know in an office, with several people around, a defrosted specimen, a speculum, and a syringe. In other news -- we had a swell weekend here. Enjoyed a great World Cup game in the backyard...with chips, beer. and hotdogs. It was a nail-biter. Stay tuned -- we head back to the clinic on Friday for more instructions. Oh the joy. Kisses....
*Mme. Bassett Rooting for France/Our backyard


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