Monday, June 26, 2006

Pride 2006

Pride Run 2006

Pride started off with a small bang for Lisa and I. We were full of Pride when we hit the sack Friday night at about 10:00pm. But, the next morning we were up and energized for the 11th annual Pride and Remembrance Run. Mariko and Charissa picked us up just before 9:00 so that I could strategize...what would be the best way to beat Barbara Hall( year? We watched her and her running posse -- but they didn't to seem to have a special warm up plan. There she is, just milling about, completely relaxed.
We decided our best strategy would be to start off slowly and then work our way up. And it seemed to
work. We came in 576th out of close to 800 individual runners -- with a time of 32 minutes for five kilometres...a new personal best for us!

*Feeling good after 5km

We realized crossing the finish line that beating a 61 year old former politician isn't really what Pride's all about (we did beat her -- by a whopping 6 minutes). So with Lisa's help, we burried the hachet. And maybe next year we'll even all run together.

* Barbara Hall and I. Running with Pride 2006

Thanks to everyone who contributed. I raised over $300 for a really great cause and had a super time. So thanks again.


Blogger Jason said...

Loved reading your recap of the Pride Run. I'm one of the guys from the soccer team that you took a pic of following the run -- thanks very much for doing that for us. If you still have it, it'd be great if you could email it to me through the address on my own blogspot page. If not, that's cool, too, and all the best with everything. Take care. :)

7:48 PM  

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