Thursday, June 15, 2006

Insemination Fixation

Insemination Daze

We thought we'd put this up so everyone who's been asking about how our family planning is coming along - can keep up to date.

Lisa and I are nearing an actual insemination date. It's been a long process, and its hard to believe we're actually getting close to real date. We started this whole thing last December when we decided to sign up for a class called "Dykes Planning Tykes". After a fair bit of research, we decided to go with a fertility clinic downtown. Initially we weren't that happy with it. We sort of felt like no one was telling us what to expect, how long things might take, and how much we could expect to be paying in the end. Lisa also really felt like she was being treated like a patient -- as though there might be something terribly wrong with her. Of course, we know that the only medical impediment to our pregnancy is -- well -- to put it bluntly is a lack of sperm. And frankly, if either of us were producing sperm -- that would be a far more serious medical problem! So stay tuned until Sunday -- that's when we find out exactly when Lisa and I go in for the big day. Next step - Hombre the embryo!


Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on your big decision. I wish you both all the luck in the world and may your Hombre bring you years of delight.


3:44 PM  

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