Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Real Gouda Time...

A Real Gouda Time...

St. Maarten was awesome! Lisa and I took a water taxi to a public beach and enjoyed warm water, friendly hospitality, and weird cultural dichotomy between local island flavour and Dutch colonialism. Earlier that day, I participated in a regatta -- America Cup winner Stars and Stipes vs True North IV (Canada's most famous sailboat, aside from the Bluenose). My team -- aboard the True North won all four laps of the 12 metre regatta -- those are victory smiles you see! Then Lisa and I had a quick lunch and headed to the beach, and then into to town -- where tourists drank freely in the streets, while mopeds squeezed passed Mercedes, and cargo trucks.

*Our Victory Lap!

*a table that's offering free samples of Island rums.

I really enjoyed St. Maarten -- but I foolishly told Lisa not to bring any money along because there wouldn't be any shopping. Oops. We quickly learned that I was very wrong. Lisa has forgiven me. I think that this may have also been our formal night -- but alas, I had sunstroke for part of the trip -- so its all a bit blurry....

*Unfortunately our picture with the Captain was terrible. And 19.95.


Blogger Unknown said...

hot mamas!

1:17 PM  

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