Saturday, July 29, 2006


No Luck

I know many of you have been waiting for an update. And well, we didn't get pregnant on the last try. It was disappointing -- but now we'll regroup and look at all of our options. Until then, we're going to drink some wine, have raw fish, go to the waterslides, and everything else you can't do when you're pregnant. We appreciate all your support....stay tuned....

Monday, July 17, 2006

Insemination Update

Which way to....

Lisa's uterus. I know it sounds like a weird question...but that's what happened during this round of inseminating. It turns out that inseminating isn't as easy as they make out to be on The L Word. This time around, the doctor had a tough time locating the right passage to deposit the "specimen". It would seem (we learned during an ultra-sound) that you have to start going south, make a sharp right turn , and straight pass the Mac's Milk to reach Lisa's uterus. It was a really uncomfortable process and Lisa was a real trooper through-out...not even a whimper...well, I whimpered a bit. It also appears that our donor has improved since the last time -- with a sperm count at 11 million (for Saturday's insemination) and a 17 million count (on Sunday). This combined with Lisa's general fertile self puts us in a good position for a successful run. But, alas, it does take at least four times on average before conception occurs. We had a great weekend. Went up to a friends cottage and enjoyed the beautiful weather. On Sunday went swimming and had a pic nic. The weather is hot -- and we're expected break some records again we're off the pool to cool down this evening. Hang tight and stay in touch...we'll have the results of this round in two weeks time. In the meantime...if you feel like a good chuckle check out this site:


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Round Two!

Round Two:

We've started the second round of insemination this weekend. We were old pros this time around. On Saturday morning, we waltzed in and Lisa signed in for blood -- I went straight to the ultra-sound board...and waited patiently in the waiting room. All was good -- but our doctor is having problems with her custom built home. Apparently her fireplace in the livingroom looks like a dog house. We suggested she get a dog and call it a day. She also asked if we were ready to try fertility drugs -- fertility drugs after one try! Gee! I say give the egg and the sperm at least another chance before inviting in strangers. But alas...we'll just do it the old fashion way -- you know in an office, with several people around, a defrosted specimen, a speculum, and a syringe. In other news -- we had a swell weekend here. Enjoyed a great World Cup game in the backyard...with chips, beer. and hotdogs. It was a nail-biter. Stay tuned -- we head back to the clinic on Friday for more instructions. Oh the joy. Kisses....
*Mme. Bassett Rooting for France/Our backyard

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Oh Canada!

Oh! Canada! Happy 139th!
"A proclamation was issued by Governon General Lork Monk on June 20th, 1868 asking for 'all Her Majesty's loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the formation of the union of the British North America provinces in a federation under the name of Canada on July 1'". So we did just that. Whether or not Lord Monk imagined giant inflattable castles, and freebies from Via Rail -- I'm not sure...but the kids really seem to like it. A great time was had by all. It was an early start with the "Changing of the Guard" at 10:00...
then on to the Major Hill's Park for a little music, hotdogs, and a train ride for Victoria. We later made our way to Gatineau for more fun times -- like Stilt Walking, Hat making, and the Museum of Civilization. We were all too pooped to make the night time concert and fireworks. But we did manage to seem some of it from near Robert's new house.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Insemination Update


I know everyone has been waiting to hear whether Lisa and I are pregnant...and we found out today that we are not. It's not a huge surprise, as it normally takes at least four tries before there's a hit. We were a little disappointed, but it would have been a lucky fluke to get pregnant on the first try out. We'll be back in the insemination game in a few days. We'll begin with the cycle monitoring, and then return to the clinic prior to ovulation for additional tests. Then at some point toward the end of the month we'll try once again. We appreciate everyone's enthusiasm, but it could be a long process. Stay tuned and we'll try to keep you posted. In the meantime -- look back here tomorrow and I'll have an update on our family trip to Ottawa...