Saturday, April 05, 2008

Frances begins Teething...

* Happy Pants in her exersaucer....

Yes, it's been 4 and a half months since Frannie's birth...and she is now teething. She's a tough cookie and facing the growth spurt well. She has started using the exersaucer (or as Lisa calls it...the Circle of Neglect). She attended her first childrens' birthday party (her BFF, Lola) in a party dress from Marci. And here she is being a grrrrr bear. She is a happy baby. Last doctors appointment she weighed in at a little over 14 pounds, and a whopping 25.5 inches. That's 50
percetile for weight and 95 percentile for height. She's clearly a long child.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter....

Can you believe Frances is already 4 months old? It is crazy. She is rolling over and drooling everywhere. Our happy little girl is also finally napping during the day. Thanks to Lisa's tenacity, we've finally got the monkey on a routine. She is such a party animal, it is hard. Otherwise, everyone is fine and anxiously awaiting for spring. It has been the longest, coldest, snowiest winter in years. But Franny and Moms took it on.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Frances leaves 3 1/2 Months Behind!

Miss Frances learns to roll over. Its a very exciting day. She also has her first passport picture taken. She still hates napping, loves her Rodney Jiggly Mouse, has graduated into 3-6 month clothing...hmmm....that about it. She is getting even more giggly and cute everyday!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Frances just keeps growing!

Frances continues to grow expedentially. She's also sleeping through most of the night-- giving us 5 and 6 hour slumber fests! Its been the snowiest winter since 1999 (the year Mel Lastman called in the army to help clean up the streets)...but we're not letting that slow us down. Lisa takes Franny out everyday for a walk, and its amazing to watch them plow through the snow together!


Saturday, January 12, 2008


Just when you thought you might lose your mind from sleep deprivation, feeding frenzies, and diapering disasters...they learn a new trick: smiling.

Our little rug-rat is growing up so quickly...its hard to believe we're already 7 weeks into this parenthood thing! She's a generally a happy girl. She likes a party, the bath, and being outside. That's all we know so far...but then again, she's not quite sure what her interests are yet.
In a little aside - doesn't she look like Lisa? Here's Lisa at 4 months old and Frances at 7 weeks old.

Wacky stuff. Wacky stuff

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Time Flies....

It seems that Christmas and New Year's have passed and I'll soon be back at work. On Friday, Frances will be 6 weeks old. Its so hard to believe. She's thriving and such a good baby -- we have little to complain about.

We had a nice Christmas...Frances went to church for the first time and then we hit Megan and Abi's annual Christmas Eve party. Frances was a major party animal, until she soiled herself and became the "party pooper".

Frances also went on her first airplane ride, after her Pappy got really sick in Mexico and had to fly home. She didn't get to meet him, because he was in intensive care...but she met

Uncle Robert, Auntie Jenny and Uncle Bob. Before returning home, we also had a visiting with Chris and Cynthia.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

3 weeks and counting....

Miss Frnaces Beatrice has passed the 3 week mark and I think we're going to keep her. She's a pretty good baby -- but currently going through a night owl stage and keeping us up from 12 am until 4 am. She's sleeps beautifully during the day...much to our chigrin.